Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 2 & Story People

I was so exhausted yesterday, I couldn't even bring myself to blog about my first day on the job. I passed out at 9:00, which I had to force my eyes to stay open even that late. So the first day was good, the basics. This whole week will be orientation, getting to know the hospital and people etc. etc. So I'm not exactly doing a WHOLE lot right now, but it's only day 2! I DID however get to walk around with one of our pet therapy dogs Tobie! That was the highlight of my first day =) He is the softest most gentle patient dog I've ever seen. I love my Abagail to death, but I won't lie... she's not exactly a "family" dog. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that we never had children around prior to Hunter, or what, but she has NO interest in being sweet with children. Pet therapy is not going on her resume. Tobie however is a blonde shitzu who can tolerate pretty much everything. It's amazing to see a patient crying hysterically and then immediately stop and smile when a dog walks into the room. Animals are pretty much the best things on earth.
Day two was good... BUSY! Today I pretty much continued with orientation but worked a lot with patients in the playroom and bedside. One patient in particular who kept me on my toes!... and he will not be the last. The great thing about child life is every day is completely different. We have so many responsibilities that some days, you may work with patients ALL day and have no time for anything else. Others, you may be organizing an event and attending meetings all day, rarely spending one on one time with the patients. I generally like routine, but I think I prefer being one to wear many hats and never having the same day twice. I already have the list of assignments due which I am looking forward to actually. I get to bring something new to the hospital and the program, and hopefully my co-workers will continue with it after I have left. I am one of those people who feel like if I didn't contribute to improving it, then I didn't really fulfill my duties entirely. You can either contribute, or contaminate. Now, that may not necessarily be true in all cases, I just like the quote =) I don't want to save the world and have the greatest impact any intern has every had on the institution, I just want to leave my mark.
If you don't know who Brian Andreas is, you HAVE to look him up. I understand that he may be a bit quarky for most people's taste, especially if you don't dig art the way I do... but you can't help but a least appreciate his sense of humor.
I have been receiving daily "stories" from him through e-mail for about the last year, and it is like receiving a small gift of laughter every day. Some are just plain funny, some make you sit and ponder, and some I have never been able to figure out....oh, the beauty of art.
I thought it would be fun to post one or two occasionally in my blog. Just because I love them. Just because it's my blog. Just because.
I'll have to start with one (of hundreds) that is my favorite. It makes me think of my sister, only because of her love for chocolate and ability to stay so skinny =). It's called "Favorite Things"
"My favorite thing is the wind, she said, & my second favorite is chocolate but I just do that so I don't get too skinny and blow away."- Brian Andreas.
The one I got today is called "Apathy"
"I don't care if no one likes it, she said, unless no one likes it." Brian Andreas
I LOVE THAT! No matter what, we care what other people think...and it's a drag. So go check him out if you haven't. If I ever have a child, I want to dedicate my whole baby's room to him. I just think he's that fantastic.
Well, it's a bummer I have to walk 6 blocks or more to the grocery store and back, but I have had cereal for dinner the last couple of nights and I think it's about that time. I feel like I have reverted back to my college days and I REALLY don't want to repeat that habit. I got so used to my moms cooking and her evening trip(s) to the grocery store to make sure the shelves were stocked! My cabinets look so sad. I need to spruce it up some.
I have to say before I leave, I love waking up in Hawaii. Walking to the bus is so much better with the sun shining and palm trees shading you as you stroll. 7:30am isn't feeling so bad after all. I can just hear all my friends and family who wake up at 6:00am or earlier (absolutely no sympathy!), I can hear your shouts from across the ocean.

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