Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ham, Kittens and the Little Things

I am temporarily stuffing my face with delicious watermelon while I blog. To the point to where I am swallowing seeds regularly, as there are no seedless watermelons (that I have found) in Waikiki. I hope they don't start to sprout, that can't be attractive in a bikini. =) Along with cramming my face, I am watching America's funniest home videos which to this day is one of my favorite shows on TV. It's the little things I am beginning to see that make this ride so worthwhile. Of course, the big things don't hurt (like moving to Hawaii) but nothing can really replace the sound of a baby's laugh, your grandfather talking about the "good old days" or guacamole to perfection. I know it sounds corny, but it's true! The best things in life are free (although guacamole isn't usually free, and if you know of any that is... I better be your first call!)... OK, back to what I was saying. The best things in life are free, but the next best things are REALLY expensive. Agree? How could you not? Most of the places that blow your mind here on the island, are FREE! Now regardless of the fact that I don't have a vehicle so I have to pay to ride a bus, or have a friend take me (which needs gas), but really the scenery here is to die for, and aside from transportation, it only requires yours senses.

The people I have met here are so great. They have a zest for life that I miss seeing in people! The desire to try new things, go places they have never been before and enjoy the little things in life. I am by far the least traveled out of all the people I have met. These people travel all over the world to work, go to school, do missionary work...whatever. It really makes me wonder if that is where I belong? Has God called me to experience this place, enjoy it, then return to Houston where I may spend most of my life? Or has God called me hear for something that is the beginning of a lifelong adventure? Hmmmm Looks like some praying is in order! I'm down for either.

So what I have cooked recently you ask?? Ham and cheese cups! I know, not the most appealing name. Here is how you make em:

-shredded cheese (2%)

-lite mayo

-Dijon mustard

-bacon (turkey bacon if you wish)

-Ham cut into little pieces

**Mix it all together in a bowl

Then take some fluffy biscuits and cut them in half. Press the biscuit half's into a Muffin pan and teaspoon a generous amount of mixed ingredients and place on top of biscuits halves. Cook in oven at 450 degrees for about 10 min. of until cheese is melted and browned.

Here is the finished product!

Very good I might add! Having 2 more for lunch tomorrow =)

I also made some chocolate chip muffins, but I failed to take picture of those. Sorry.

Last but not least... I was a foster parent last night for some adorable homeless kittens! I didn't initially find them, but when I discovered they were there, I was all over that. I called the Hawaii Humane Society where they gave me some runaround about they can't promise they will be adopted out blah blah blah. Ok, so that pretty much means I am NOT leaving them in YOUR hands! I was originally going to take all four into my place for the night, but my next door neighbor wanted to be a foster parent too, so I let her take two. We gave them all baths, and I fed mine milk and ham. Ham? I know but I've never had a cat so it was either that lean cuisine. They slept in my bed til it was time for me to say goodnight, then I put them in my bathroom with more milk and a comfy blanket. They were soooo goood!!! The didn't meow at ALL during the night. I even woke up before them! I told my friend that I was having second thoughts about putting them back outside and I think I'm just going to keep them til I can find someone to adopt them. She convinced me they would be ok so I let her take care of them while I was at work. I mean, I didn't want them inside all day while I was gone, but I wanted to be selfish and keep them here so they would be here when I got off. Well, I come home... go straight to my neighbor and knock on the door, THREE times! No answer! I look over the ledge where they usually are playing in the kitties. I knock on 3 different peoples doors to see if they know anything and NO ANSWER. All those stupid college kids are out partying it up while who knows where my kitties are! I don't know why I gave them too her, but I was just trying to do what's best. Again, I know that most people don't consider animals emotional well being like I do, but I was willing to take care of all of them and she talked me out of it! First thing in the morning I am going downstairs to see it they are there, if not, she should be expecting another knock on the door. At 7:00am. And much louder than the first time.

No words needed...just look at those faces.

Well, I better get ready for bed. 7 o' clock comes rather quickly and these days my internship gets more complex and requires an alert and ready attitude ALL day long. It's really starting to feel like "Oh, I am a health care professional, with a lot of responsibility, and a voice, and expectations." It's big time now. And I am so ready for it. Difficult? Yes. Feelings of inadequacy? Yes. But I'm really trying to keep my head up and remind myself that nobody started off as a pro. I could potentially be the first. Ha ha! Not!

Peace.Love.Hang Loose!


  1. those kittens are so cute! i hope you find them. i can't believe your neighbor!

    p.s. your ham and cheese cups look delicious!

  2. Thanks so much!!! And good news, I FOUND THEM! 3 of them are sleeping in the corner and one is in my arms as we speak! So adorable... I don't know how I am going to give them up? sigh.

  3. yay! i'm so glad you found them. and if you're anything like my mom, you'll never give them up. :)
